
8 Reasons why health & wellness coaching is booming

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We all know this… but these stats will show you that the situation is desperate. And if you want to launch your health & wellness business and don’t want to end up frustrated then read this article fully & with an open mind and you’ll find plenty of wealth and meaningful work.

First, how big is the current overall market globally? 1.5 Trillion dollars.1 And when you combine the pharma market – it becomes mind-boggling. As you get ready to launch your business from home learn how to build a 6-figure business successfully.

Now let’s see how health & wellness is booming today.

1. India has the third-highest number of obese and overweight people (DNA)

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Probably the top problem you can attack is the weight problem. Because the numbers are simply mind blowing, read this slowly: 20% of all adults are obese.

After US and China, we have the record so plenty of work is needed.

Imagine someone feeling so ashamed about themselves that they start to avoid social gathering, they give up better opportunities because they weren’t confident enough… imagine someone being trolled for how much weight they gained during pregnancies… and someone giving up on themselves because their doctor gave them the ultimatum.

And the thing is this problem is only getting worse.2

But a common mistake many people make is they launch themselves as “weight loss coach”.

Not good. Because most people are okay with being overweight. And then there’s too much supply of solutions — from pills to creams to magic exercises. And answer is to go deep – niche down. I’ve dived deeper in the niche clarity course – but in short, if you want pearls then you’ll find them in deep oceans.

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If you don’t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs

2. India short of 3 lakh yoga instructors with demand at all-time high (HT)

As per this report of Assocham, India actually needs 5 lakh yoga practitioners. And with yoga gaining even more popularity this demand is only going to get higher.

With increasing demands for both private & group yoga sessions – the charges can vary from 5000 to 25000. And keeping that in mind, the demand for yoga teachers is also rising at fitness institutes, gyms and yoga studios.

Not only in India, but the demand for yoga teachers is also increasing around the world.3

But keep this in mind – with yoga gurus like Baba Ramdev & Sadhguru providing free yoga — you CAN’T launch yourself as a “yoga teacher” and expect massive profits. So what to do?

The answer is again the right strategy — move towards wellness and coaching. Register for this workshop to understand how to launch your business correctly and not end up in frustration down the line…

3. India short of 2.36L dieticians (TOI)

Go to any public hospital and you’ll find thousands of patients but only 2-3 dieticians. According to a comprehensive study by the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) submitted to Union health ministry – India is short by a MASSIVE number.4

According to the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations – India has 0.3 dietician per 1 lakh population. Whereas in a small country like Denmark – they have 25 dieticians/lakh of population. And in Japan this figure is even better – 56 dieticians/lakh of population.

Why is it so? It’s because everybody is a food expert in India.

When you have food vloggers telling you what’s healthy; and Nutritionist telling you about ‘recipes’.

Then most people don’t feel the need to go to Dieticians and Nutritionists. You have to fight that perception and become more than just “food expert.” In this Copywriting course I go into great detail; otherwise you can find how to create wealth if you’ve a passion for nutrition.

4. Non-communicable diseases to cost India around $3.6 trillion by 2030

The two major non-communicable diseases (NCD) are cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes.

The impact is most severe in those above 30 years and suffering from CVD. You can guess the mass of the problem with the fact that cardiovascular disease (CVD) account for 27% of all deaths followed by chronic respiratory diseases (11%), cancers (9%), and diabetes (3%).

Interestingly, this CVD epidemic is due to our tendency to catch these problems. And that’s why a lot of work is needed to boost people’s health esp when you consider the following figures.5

5. WHO: “188.3 million have hypertension, only 37% diagnosed”

This bombshell report shares one in three people have high BP. And in India, the problem is that it’s diagnosed due to some other complication; and even when it’s diagnosed – many times nothing is done. Silent killer.

Uncontrolled BP is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and stroke. So you have 188.3 million or 18.83 crores who have need urgent attention.6

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“You never achieve real success unless you like what you are doing.” — Dale Carnegie

6. ET: 89 per cent of India’s population suffering from stress

And most don’t feel comfortable talking to medical professionals.

In another report by WHO, with one suicide attempt every 3 seconds – we need to make mental health non-negotiable.7

There’s a huge gap and workplaces are increasingly adapting wellness initiatives to make their employees fitter – physically and mentally.8

7. Only 0.15% of Indians have gym membership

Forget Norway or USA, even a country like Egypt is ahead of us – NOW. Gym are a symbol of fitness for a common person. But as we make progress and wealth penetrate deeply into India — this situation is only going to get better.

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8. WHO: 50% people with diabetes are not even aware

Imagine someone giving their mom her first shot of insulin and saying it’s going to be quick — but fully aware that that’s how her rest of the life is going to be.

India has 7.7 crore diabetics. And according to a study, 50% people with diabetes are not even aware they have the condition. Worse, by 2030, the numbers are going to increase to 10.1 crores.9

Clearly, the healthcare industry is facing a tremendous pressure to manage this disease.

Who shouldn’t enter this field

People who are looking for shortcuts and ways to make quick buck shouldn’t come here.

This sector is closely related to healthcare and medical field – so if you don’t like to help people then this might not be for you.

Also people who aren’t coachable – who aren’t interested in their own skill-upgradation – will find it tough. Because if you don’t have passion for it – you’ll give up your dreams without fighting for them.

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“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” — Mark Twain

How to fill these gaps and find a business opportunity

After earning 20L in 2 years and working in the background for many 6-7-8 figure entrepreneurs I’ve come to realize that you can waste a lot of time going down many paths — but if you want success then you need a step-by-step roadmap. And faith to walk on it.

Here’s the roadmap which helped me create a 6-figure business:

Step 1: Choose your specialty or niche
Step 2: Create Digital Assets
Step 3: Help clients find you
Step 4: Automate sales
Step 5: Create a tribe or community
Step 6: Take profits without burning out

Register for this workshop if you would like to discover more about this roadmap and how you can serve a greater purpose. Here’s what you’ll learn inside:

  • How to stand out in a crowded market
  • How to avoid overwhelm and focus on things that matter most
  • How to wake up your clients and bring change
  • How to create systems to bring automated sales
  • How to understand what clients really need

Remember, 1 action is much more powerful than 100 ideas. And if you don’t want to miss this boat, this workshop is what you need now.

Do you know what inspires clients? It’s the coach or doctor who invest in themselves. This inspires them to take action and commit to the path. And the best part? This workshop is free – as of this writing. So you lose nothing – but gain a heck lot.

I’ll see you inside.
Mohinish Nirwal

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PS: Register for the workshop here – it’s free and allows you to discover a profitable and purposeful path in the messy health & wellness industry.

  1. McKinsey: How to thrive in the global wellness market ↩︎
  2. DNA ‘India has third-highest number of obese people, reveals study ↩︎
  3. HT – “India short of 3 lakh yoga instructors with demand at all-time high” ↩︎
  4. TOI – “India short of 2.36L dieticians” ↩︎
  5. Mint: “Non-communicable diseases to cost India around $3.6 trillion by 2030” ↩︎
  6. Indian Express: “What the WHO report on hypertension says about India” ↩︎
  7. ET: One suicide attempt every 3 seconds ↩︎
  8. ET: 89 per cent of India’s population suffering from stress ↩︎
  9. ET: 50% of people with diabetes are unaware ↩︎

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